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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Task Two Essay Outline

Tips for Writing a Regents Task Two Essay

Read the directions.
Read the situation in the box. Highlight the purpose, form, audience, and topic.
Read your task. Highlight the purpose, form, audience, and topic
Review the guidelines. Pay special attention to bullet two which will help you to write your thesis statement.
Read the multiple choice questions
Read the first passage using a highlighter. Do NOT highlight every word. Highlight key facts that relate to the topic of your essay.
Write down the Title, Author, and Genre of the first document
Title: _________________________________________________
Author: _________________________________________________
Genre: _________________________________________________

Write three important and relevant facts you learned from the first document
Review the second document (graph, chart, or map)
Write down the Title, Author, and Genre of the graphic
Title: _________________________________________________
Author: _________________________________________________
Genre: _________________________________________________
Write three important and relevant facts you learned from the second document (graph, chart, or map)
Answer the multiple choice questions
Outline your essay (see reverse side for outline tips)

Tips for Outlining a Regents Task Two Essay
You must use facts from BOTH documents!!!
Use the multiple choice questions to help you find important facts for your essay.

Hook (make a general statement related to the topic)
Address the topic
Thesis (choose a position)

Body paragraph one
Topic sentence (incorporate thesis)
Fact from a document
Don’t forget to give credit to the source!
Relate fact to your thesis

Body paragraph two
Topic sentence (incorporate thesis)
Fact from a document
Don’t forget to give credit to the source!
Relate fact to your thesis

Body paragraph three (optional)
Topic sentence (incorporate thesis)
Fact from a document
Don’t forget to give credit to the source!
Relate fact to your thesis

General closing statement

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