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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Identity Projects


Langston Hughes wrote poetry to honor his African-American heritage, but he didn’t limit himself to great heroes and historical events. For Hughes, it was the vibrant culture of everyday people—their music, their slang, and their experiences of life in the city—that shaped his sense of identity.

Identity can be defined as the qualities that a person regards as essential and unique to his or her personality.

  • What types of ethnic, cultural, gender groups, pop culture, music, art, literature, current events or everyday experiences help shape your identity?

  • Brainstorm a list of images and activities that characterize the way you live: the sounds and smells of your neighborhood, the places you go, the foods you eat, and so on.

  • Then create an account on www.prezi.com. Click “Sign Up Now” and follow the prompts to create a free account. You will use this website and your brainstormed ideas to create a presentation titled “What it means to be _________________________…,” a collage of all of the elements of your life that have contributed to your identity. Your presentation must include:
    • At least ten things you believe influence your identity
    • A one sentence explanation of each influence
    • At least five pictures
    • Other creative touches

All presentations are due by Tuesday, May 18th. Email or print the link or to your presentation by class time on Tuesday.

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